To: the Archduke Rudolph
Vienna, early December, 1813

Anderson v1 pg428-429 - letter #439

Your Imperial Highness!

       I am enquiring whether, now that I have more or less recovered, you would like me to wait upon you this evening? – At the same time I am taking the liberty of putting forward a most humble request. I hoped that by this time at any rate my distressing circumstances would have improved; but – everything is still in the old state.  Hence I have had to decide to give to concerts. I’ve been compelled to abandon my previous resolve to give these purely for charitable purpose, for my self-preservation now demands something different –– The University Hall would be the most favourable and honourable setting for my present project; and the substance of my most humble request is that Y.I.H. would be so gracious as just to send a word through Baron Schweiger to the present Rector Magnificus of the University. Then I shall certainly secure this hall. In the expectation that you will graciously grant my request, I remain

                                                  Your Imperial Highness’s
                                                                 most obedient
                                                                            Ludwig van Beethoven